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2280756 Marbleu : jamas he escuchado ese termino
2280757 el mono real : Chuy, they call themselves Cholitas
2280758 Patricia : Entonces como sabés que es cholita?
2280759 el mono real : And it's not racist
2280760 Universe City : ‹@el mono real› Yeah but the Spaniards came up with that term and started calling them that.
2280761 el mono real : Angie has said so herself. She calls herself a Cholita
2280762 Universe City : Patricia es racista.
2280763 Universe City : Read my previous commnet.
2280764 Universe City : *comment
2280765 Universe City : Why do you think indigenous people of the "Western Hemisphere" started calling themselves "Hispanic/Latino/a/x"?
2280766 Patricia : Debe estar orgullosa de ser cholita y la felicito.
2280767 Universe City : I'll ask ChatGPT and correct myself if I'm wrong but I think the Ronald Reagan administration is who started calling us "Hispanic/Latino/a/x/e."
2280768 Universe City : ‹@Patricia› No es "blanca" asi que no te gustara.
2280769 Universe City : Hispanic just means a person or thing of Spain.
2280770 el mono real : Chuy, please be respectful to others in the chat
2280771 Universe City : Latino just means Latin in Spanish. Latin is the language the Romans spoke.
2280772 Universe City : ‹@el mono real› How am I being disrespectful?
2280773 Universe City : Latinos are the southern Europeans. Italians, Spaniards, Portuguese, French, etc.
2280774 el mono real : "no es blanca asi que no te gustara" is not a respectful comment
2280775 Universe City : lol..
2280776 Universe City : It's not disrespectful either.
2280777 Universe City : It's the truth.
2280778 Universe City : Patricia is a White Supremacist like you, Matthew.
2280779 Universe City : Who gave Europeans permission to label us?
2280780 el mono real : Chuy, Biden's blunder is not going to be good for you
2280781 Universe City : What is Biden's blunder?
2280782 Patricia : Me voy, saludos monito, nos vemos otro día.
2280783 el mono real : Bye Patricia
2280784 Patricia : Un gusto Marbleu
2280785 Universe City : Democrats are the lesser evil.
2280786 el mono real : un beso
2280787 Universe City : ‹@Patricia› GTFO
2280788 Patricia : otro mono
2280789 el mono real : One day I will marry Patricia
2280793 Universe City : I never knew there was Democrats/Republican/right-wing/left-wing in other countries.
2280794 Universe City : I think it was maybe just in the U.S.
2280795 Universe City : ‹@el mono real› Anyways, you're wasting my time with your nonsense.
2280796 el mono real : Chuy, Biden was introducing Zelensky, but instead said "please welcome president Putin"
2280797 Universe City : Back to reading ChatGPT.
2280798 Universe City : ‹@el mono real›
2280799 el mono real : What nonsense?
2280800 Universe City : Yeah, it's only natural for some people's cognitive abilities to decline as they age.
2280801 el mono real : People were already calling for Biden's head. Now he's just made things worse
2280802 el mono real : Looks like Trump will be in power again
2280803 Universe City : ‹@el mono real› I'm sure "Australian" politics/politicians are any better.
2280804 el mono real : He will be sending all the Mexicans back, Chuy
2280805 Universe City : ‹@el mono real› See: You're a White Supremacist.
2280806 Universe City : Your racist nonsense.
2280807 el mono real : Trump is
2280808 el mono real : I am not
2280809 Universe City : Anyways, back to reading ChatGPT.
2280810 Universe City : ‹@el mono real› Even U.S. citizens?
2280811 el mono real : No, you are safe
2280812 Universe City : Jaja.
2280813 el mono real : But you will always be treated suspiciously
2280814 Universe City : lol..
2280815 el mono real : because of your chocolate skin
2280816 Universe City : Yep. Pretty much.
2280817 Universe City : ‹@el mono real› Why did "Australia" have some kind of conflict with "China" recently?
2280818 el mono real : China is gearing up for war, Chuy
2280819 Universe City : With "Australia"?
2280820 Universe City : We all know who would win that war.
2280821 el mono real : Well, the world needs the USA
2280822 Universe City : But the U.S. would probably step in in "Australia's" side because they want to be the "supreme" power in the world.
2280823 el mono real : And we want someone calm and rational to be in charge
2280824 Universe City : ‹@el mono real› In "China"?
2280825 el mono real : Better the USA be the supreme power than China
2280826 Universe City : "Australians" want to run "Chinese" politics?
2280827 el mono real : In the USA, Chuy
2280828 Universe City : "Australians" want to run "American" politics?
2280829 el mono real : Who knows what Trump would do if China attacked. Trump would probably say "it's their problem"
2280830 Universe City : I recently asked ChatGPT what "country" has fought the most wars in all of history.
2280831 Universe City : And guess what continent has been in A LOT of wars?
2280832 Universe City : Compared to other continents?
2280834 Universe City : ‹@el mono real› Yep.
2280835 el mono real : It's how the world works, Chuy
2280836 el mono real : One country is dominant and takes over
2280837 Universe City : *The European world.
2280838 Universe City : That's how EUROPEANS work.
2280839 Universe City : White greed.
2280840 el mono real : It's human nature
2280841 Universe City : ‹@el mono real› No, it's really not.
2280842 el mono real : You think tribes living in Africa never fight?
2280843 Universe City : No other race on planet earth has waged anywhere near as many wars as Europeans.
2280844 Universe City : *Earth
2280845 Marbleu : pero hablas de distintos paises de europa
2280846 el mono real : Your Aztec boys fought each other for thousands of years before the Europeans arrived
2280847 Marbleu : ahora, compara pais por pais
2280848 Universe City : I think it's because the oldest "civilization (Europeans invented NO civilization)" is the Greek civilization of 1200 B.C.
2280849 Universe City : And that Greek civilization is just an offshoot of Middle Eastern civilization.
2280850 Universe City : ‹@el mono real› We didn't go to war to kill like the Europeans.
2280851 el mono real : BTW Chuy, you can't rely on Chat GPT to always give you accurate information
2280852 Universe City : ‹@el mono real› I just checked Wikipedia.
2280853 el mono real : Sometimes it literally "makes things up"
2280854 Universe City : Even Wikipedia says "Ancient Greece (Greek: Ἑλλάς, romanized: Hellás) was a northeastern Mediterranean civilization, existing from the Greek Dark Ages of the 12th–9th centuries BC to the end of classical antiquity (c. 600 AD), that comprised a loose collection of culturally and linguistically related city-states and other territories"
2280855 Universe City : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anc...