History - Historia
Here you can see all the history of previous conversations.
Aquí se puede ver todo el historial de conversaciones anteriores.
2279956 el mono real : I don't think I was the first guy she had taken home
2279957 el mono real : Lucky I didn't catch anything from her
2279958 el mono real : When are you going to Spain, Pirata?
2279959 CaptainJack : this weekend
2279961 CaptainJack : Hope so
2279962 el mono real : You will see a lot of breasts
2279963 el mono real : If you go to the beach
2279964 CaptainJack : only passed through Malaga, not visited it to see it
2279965 CaptainJack : not sure where to go
2279966 el mono real : But remember, you can look, but no touchy
2279967 CaptainJack : I don't go anywhere to look at breasts
2279969 CaptainJack : so I will be ok, lol
2279970 el mono real : That's a weird thing to say
2279971 el mono real : Either you are gay, or you are ashamed of your sexuality
2279972 el mono real : You must be English
2279973 CaptainJack : no, i just value architecture, culture and people more than a body part
2279974 el mono real : Ok, Englishman
2279976 CaptainJack : you provoke, that's my job :p
2279977 el mono real : I must go now
2279978 CaptainJack : must you?
2279979 el mono real : We will talk later about how society has made you feel guilty for having sexual urges. How male sexuality has been demonised while women have been portrayed as angels
2279980 CaptainJack : and how you missjudge folk?
2279981 el mono real : You feel like you must repress your sexual feelings because they are inherently bad
2279982 el mono real : Don't flirt with the girl, that is harassment. Don't open the door for her, she will be insulted.
2279983 CaptainJack : you sound like a person that reads the future, but lives in the past?
2279984 CaptainJack : I never encourage anyone
2279985 CaptainJack : I do open doors though
2279986 CaptainJack : that's normal
2279987 el mono real : Spanish women will love your confidence, Pirate
2279989 CaptainJack : that's so funny
2279990 el mono real : They will tell you that they loathe the "machismo", and that it is old-fashioned and antiquated. But in reality, nothing turns a woman on like a strong man.
2279991 CaptainJack : I am the least confident person
2279992 CaptainJack : That is true I think
2279993 CaptainJack : not just in Spain
2279994 el mono real : Many so-called feminists spend all day bashing male sexuality, labelling behaviours as "toxic masculinity" and shaming men
2279995 CaptainJack : in general females must need to feel protected
2279996 el mono real : But these same feminists enjoy being dominated in the bedroom. They will submit to the man, and let him do anything
2279997 el mono real : Bondage, whips. They love feeling dominated
2279998 CaptainJack : I blame films
2280000 CaptainJack : 50 shades of gris
2280001 el mono real : Hollywood tells us that the "nice guy" ends up with the girl, because women want a man who treats her like an angel.
2280002 el mono real : Of course, everyone knows that is the furthest from the truth
2280003 el mono real : (everyone know, except for Chuy - he still believes that he should be a nice guy)
2280004 CaptainJack : I was a bad guy as a kid, so being good is an ideal for me, nothing to do with Hollywood
2280005 el mono real : I bet the girls loved you when you were a kid
2280006 CaptainJack : If being good is not worthy of a female then I am ok with that
2280007 el mono real : You are denying your own biology, Pirate. That is not going to end well
2280008 CaptainJack : They liked maybe the bad guy
2280009 el mono real : bye now
2280010 CaptainJack : you are runing?
2280011 CaptainJack : hola jd
2280012 CaptainJack : What do you think of Mono?
2280013 Jdawg78 : Hey.
2280014 Jdawg78 : eh...
2280015 CaptainJack : The point of view
2280016 CaptainJack : of Mono
2280018 CaptainJack : do you think within a family environment some become sis assocciated?
2280020 Jdawg78 : Probably.
2280021 CaptainJack : that was rapido, lol
2280022 CaptainJack : so is the answer to exclude?
2280023 CaptainJack : this is not just relevant to aqui
2280024 CaptainJack : do we put people in the bad room, but keep the door open
2280025 CaptainJack : again, not exclusive to here , but in genereal
2280027 CaptainJack : in life, not online
2280028 CaptainJack : your AI isn't working JD :p
2280029 Jdawg78 : I don't think there is an answer.
2280030 CaptainJack : I think there is
2280031 CaptainJack : you put them in the bad room
2280032 CaptainJack : and wait
2280033 CaptainJack : until they comply with what is accepted
2280034 CaptainJack : The problem I have, is my parents accepted me regardless
2280035 CaptainJack : so that was a benchmark
2280036 Jdawg78 : Using Udio to make a rock song about the plot of Taxi Driver.
2280037 CaptainJack : you accept people, not behaviour
2280039 CaptainJack : you are sis assocciative
2280041 Jdawg78 : I am on the spectrum so that's accurate.
2280042 CaptainJack : sort of worked that out
2280043 CaptainJack : so. thats why you are the only one talking to me?
2280044 Jdawg78 : It's my day off.
2280045 CaptainJack : well you need more holidays
2280046 CaptainJack : happy dollar is not a good employer
2280047 Jdawg78 : They really aren't.
2280048 CaptainJack : its sort of sad
2280049 Jdawg78 : And they always crop up in the poor communities where people have few options.
2280050 CaptainJack : sometimes in life you see a face you know, but never met.
2280051 CaptainJack : no idea why you still talk to me
2280052 CaptainJack : provokd yo the most i think
2280054 CaptainJack : who is jor1?
2280055 CaptainJack : Anyway, I am happy you are ok, health wise