History - Historia
Here you can see all the history of previous conversations.
Aquí se puede ver todo el historial de conversaciones anteriores.
2278756 Moth : Pues, una de las razones es que me da flojera
2278758 Moth : Cocinar los domingos
2278761 Universe City : ¿Cuando nos casemos vas a cocinar para mi?
2278762 Moth : Yo pues. Mi última comida de hoy fue a las 3 pm. A la seis solo comí fruta.
2278764 Moth : I have will power :p
2278765 Universe City : Jaja.
2278766 Moth : So. When are you going to eat?
2278767 Universe City : Ufff.
2278768 Universe City : ¿Y haces eso CADA domingo?
2278769 Universe City : ‹@Moth› When my mom and sister get here with my food.
2278770 Moth : Sí, Universe. Por qué te sorprende tanto... es bueno ayunar.
2278771 Universe City : ya llegaron brb
2278772 Moth : Buen provecho.
2278773 Moth : Cuando nos casemos? Espera recién capté eso
2278774 Moth : Sí, te voy a tener muerto de hambre jaja
2278775 Moth : A ver si bajas unos kilitos de más
2278777 Universe City : Ya regresé.
2278778 Universe City : Se fue.
2278779 Universe City : ¿Ni Perro Jota hoy?
2278780 Universe City : :D
2278781 Universe City : ¡Hola, Perro Jota!
2278782 Jdawg78 : Hola!
2278783 Jdawg78 : Man, what a weird night.
2278784 Universe City : ‹@Jdawg78› ¿Por qué?
2278785 Jdawg78 : Had a lady get mad because her boyfriend cou;ldn't buy cigarettes. His ID was expired.
2278787 Jdawg78 : Then said she had a 17 year old buy a lighter yesterday.
2278788 Universe City : o_O
2278789 Jdawg78 : So I shrugged. It was just an assertion...no backup...but still...you don't need an id to buy a lighter.
2278790 Universe City : Yeah, true.
2278791 Jdawg78 : So she said she was no longer going to be a customer at DG.
2278792 Jdawg78 : I said that that was splendid news.
2278793 Jdawg78 : :D
2278794 Universe City : Jaja.
2278796 Universe City : Okay, back.
2278797 Universe City : I stink, I haven't showered in 3 days I think.
2278798 Universe City : Because my mom just came back from Mexico yesterday.
2278799 Universe City : But I will tonight.
2278800 Universe City : Before I read my books.
2278801 Universe City : At least I slept like 11 hours today.
2278802 Universe City : So I won't be sleepy and will be able to read my books.
2278803 Jdawg78 : I have to get up early tomorrow and work all day.
2278805 Universe City : Did you have off on the 4th? I don't even remember.
2278806 Jdawg78 : I was off on the 4th.
2278807 Universe City : Ahh, okay.
2278809 Universe City : lol wtf?
2278810 Jdawg78 : What?
2278811 Universe City : wtf is that?
2278813 Jdawg78 : What is what?
2278814 Universe City : you sent an image
2278815 Jdawg78 : When?
2278816 Universe City : just now
2278818 Jdawg78 : I'm messing with you. LOL
2278820 Jdawg78 : I was clicking on random images I had saved on here.
2278822 Jdawg78 : It wasn't labeled.
2278823 Universe City : it's some guy with a hitler mustache in lingerie holding a pineapple
2278824 Universe City : wtf?
2278826 Universe City : or in a maid's suit
2278828 Universe City : ‹@Jdawg78› You watch some weird things, my friend...
2278829 Jdawg78 : Trying to get gpt to make a cenobite mixed with a robot.
2278830 Jdawg78 : Got something terrifying.
2278832 Jdawg78 : cdn.discordapp.com/attach...
2278833 Jdawg78 : What do you think?
2278836 Jdawg78 : If you see that on the street. Just walk the other way.
2278841 el mono real : Chuy, where are the Peruanas?
2278842 Universe City : They're all soldout in "Peru."
2278843 RainRain : Here I am!
2278844 RainRain : I am Peruvian.
2278845 el mono real : Oh hello Marib / Angie
2278846 Universe City : ‹@el mono real› Jajaja.
2278847 RainRain : Hola, Mono despistado.
2278848 el mono real : Como estas?
2278849 Universe City : At least St. Matthew isn't fooled.
2278850 RainRain : Muy bien, gracias ¿Qué hay de ti?
2278851 RainRain : ‹@Jdawg78› Hola.
2278852 el mono real : I was just telling Chuy, that if he were nicer to the Peruanas then they might stay longer in the chat
2278853 Universe City : Jijiji.
2278854 Universe City : They ask for it/deserve it.
2278855 Universe City : Ellas mismas se lo buscan.