History - Historia
Here you can see all the history of previous conversations.
Aquí se puede ver todo el historial de conversaciones anteriores.
2277155 Universe City : After the "Industrial Revolution in the United States."
2277156 Universe City : Okay, anyways I g2g.
2277157 Universe City : I might be for another hour.
2277158 Universe City : Take care, Perro Jota.
2277159 Universe City : Nos vemos.
2277160 Moth : Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof. Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth ????
2277161 Moth : (Singing)
2277162 Moth : You can count on me like one, two, three, I'll be there. And I know when I need it, I can count on you like four, three, two, and you'll be there. 'Cause that's what friends are supposed to do :)
2277163 Moth : keep smiling, smiling at life, and that there's always something good to take from it as long as we breathe.
2277164 Flower : Compañera usted sabe puede contar conmigo no hasta dos o hasta diez sino contar conmigo
2277165 Flower : si alguna vez advierte que la miro a los ojos y una veta de amor reconoce en los míos no alerte sus fusiles ni piense qué delirio a pesar de la veta o tal vez porque existe usted puede contar conmigo
2277166 Flower : si otras veces me encuentra huraño sin motivo no piense qué flojera igual puede contar conmigo
2277167 Flower : pero hagamos un trato yo quisiera contar con usted
2277168 Flower : es tan lindo saber que usted existe uno se siente vivo y cuando digo esto quiero decir contar aunque sea hasta dos aunque sea hasta cinco no ya para que acuda presurosa en mi auxilio sino para saber a ciencia cierta que usted sabe que puede contar conmigo.
2277169 Flower : (solo recitando un poema, Moth) saludos
2277171 Macuahuitl : ¡Hola!
2277172 Macuahuitl : Quiero aprender español.
2277173 Macuahuitl : Me tengo que ir en una hora pero regresare.
2277174 Jaenette : Hora, * regresaré*
2277175 Jaenette : Antes de pero, normalmente se usa una coma.
2277176 Macuahuitl : ¿Qué?
2277177 Macuahuitl : Ahh...
2277178 Macuahuitl : *pero, regresaré.
2277179 Macuahuitl : Gracias.
2277181 Jaenette : me tengo que ir en una hora, pero regresaré
2277182 Macuahuitl : en una hora, pero regresaré.
2277183 Macuahuitl : Gracias.
2277186 Jaenette : And yes, this is so sad
2277188 Macuahuitl : "Wow this is sad" es Ch0lit069.
2277189 Macuahuitl : Lo puse en ignore.
2277190 Jaenette : ‹@Wow this is sad› I agree
2277191 Wow this is sad : If Chuy puts me on ignore, who will he chat with?
2277193 el mono real : He will chat with me
2277194 Jaenette : ‹@Wow this is sad› Who cares?
2277195 Jaenette : ‹@el mono real› Hola
2277196 el mono real : Hello Chuycito
2277197 el mono real : Oh, hello there little girl
2277198 Macuahuitl : St. Matthew, Mary was here 2 days ago.
2277199 el mono real : Nice to see you
2277200 Jaenette : Hola, el mono
2277201 el mono real : Wow. Did you hit on her?
2277202 Jaenette : Igualmente, el mono
2277203 Macuahuitl : I got a chance to talk with her.
2277204 Macuahuitl : But then she left without saying a word.
2277205 Macuahuitl : No, she has a husband, I think.
2277206 el mono real : Did she at least expose her breasts to you?
2277207 Wow this is sad : Because she saw you
2277208 Macuahuitl : Wow...
2277209 Macuahuitl : No, she didn't.
2277210 el mono real : Women are so unfair like that
2277211 el mono real : What did she say, Chuy?
2277212 Macuahuitl : Who is pog mo thoin?
2277213 Macuahuitl : ‹@el mono real› She said she's been busy with life/her kids.
2277214 el mono real : Did she apologise for breaking Marky's heart and destroying his life?
2277215 Macuahuitl : Yes.
2277217 el mono real : She did not
2277218 Macuahuitl : She did, check the history of the chat.
2277219 Macuahuitl : She said she is sorry about what happened with Marky.
2277220 Macuahuitl : Her nick was "Maar."
2277221 el mono real : Wow. Maybe she is growing up
2277222 Macuahuitl : Maybe.
2277223 Macuahuitl : She's still nice though.
2277224 el mono real : She wasn't nice back then, Chuy
2277225 Macuahuitl : She was to me.
2277226 el mono real : Oh good, Cholito left
2277228 Jaenette : She didn't apologize, she said she was sorry for what happened, and she left, because Mac started insulting me for no reason
2277229 Macuahuitl : At least YOU'RE getting the hang of it.
2277230 Macuahuitl : He's got everybody else fooled.
2277231 el mono real : Yes, I have noticed that Chuy has been quite disrespectful to the little girl
2277232 Macuahuitl : Jaenette the "innocent victim."
2277234 el mono real : Chuy, I asked you to be nice to her
2277235 el mono real : She is a good girl
2277236 Macuahuitl : I insulted her because she is offended by me calling Angie, Helena, etc. what they truly are: VENDIDAS/
2277237 Jaenette : ‹@el mono real› But Mac didn't listen to you, he doesn't care about your good advice
2277238 Macuahuitl : ‹@Jaenette› Let's start from zero and you sill that you are the one who is going to start insulting me.
2277240 Macuahuitl : *will see
2277241 MacuahuitI : Hola Panchito
2277242 Macuahuitl : Ch0lit069 found a way to duplicate my nick.
2277243 el mono real : Here is the "busy man", busy with his work again
2277244 Macuahuitl : Let me take a screenshot so that Jugador can see.
2277245 MacuahuitI : Jugador is a deluded old twat
2277246 Jaenette : ‹@Macuahuitl› You would have to start your life from cero
2277247 MacuahuitI : He doesn’t have much time left
2277248 Jaenette : Zero*
2277249 el mono real : Chuy, remind me please, why are they Vendidas?
2277250 el mono real : Vendida = sold
2277251 MacuahuitI : I possess the key to Mary’s heart
2277252 MacuahuitI : She loves me Chuy
2277253 el mono real : Cholito on ignore
2277254 Macuahuitl : Here you go Jugador, a screencap of Ch0lit069 duplicating my nick: ibb.co/pfCdxSk