History - Historia
Here you can see all the history of previous conversations.
Aquí se puede ver todo el historial de conversaciones anteriores.
2277055 Macuahuitl : Told you guys it was Ch0lit069.
2277056 Sup Panchito : Nice looking ladies eh
2277057 Macuahuitl : "Panchito" one of his favorite words that he learned from Kael.
2277058 Macuahuitl : One of his favorite racist names.
2277059 Sup Panchito : Chuy has never recovered from the cockslaps
2277060 Macuahuitl : Anyways, I g2g.
2277061 Sup Panchito : To get more cockslaps?
2277062 Macuahuitl : I'll BBL for another hour to call Ch0lit069, Katie, Jon, etc. what they truly are: WHITE SUPREMACISTS.
2277063 Macuahuitl : Ch0lit069 remembering his Spaniard master Shawn.
2277064 Macuahuitl : All right, BBL.
2277065 Sup Panchito : Take a long walk off a short pier bro
2277066 Macuahuitl : Ch0lit069 loves his White Supremacist Spaniard master Shawn.
2277067 Wow this is sad : Chuy you need help.
2277068 Wow this is sad : There must be clinics that help deluded panchitos like you that don’t charge any fees..
2277069 Universe City : Ch0lit069 you're a vendido and you love your White Supremacist masters.
2277070 Universe City : And you've sold out yourself and your people.
2277071 Universe City : You love your white masters and hate your own people.
2277072 Jaenette : Leaving messages of hate devastating to his psyche
2277073 Universe City : Of hate?
2277074 Universe City : You're right I hate injustice, I hate White Supremacy.
2277075 Universe City : I don't hate my own people and love my white masters LIKE YOU AND CH0LIT069!
2277076 Jaenette : Wonder why people love to argue without having a valid reason
2277077 Universe City : You're the one who started it!
2277078 Jaenette : I talk to myself, as a reflection, but he answers me
2277079 Universe City : Right...
2277080 Universe City : You're not fooling anyone.
2277081 Jaenette : I only read and that helps me get to know people a little, I mean *to certain people
2277082 Universe City : Good for you, no one cares.
2277083 Jaenette : Well, why is that man answering me when nothing I say is directed at him?
2277084 Universe City : Riiight...
2277085 Universe City : Anyways, I'm going to take a shower in an hour.
2277086 Universe City : So talk your all your b.s now.
2277087 Universe City : *all your
2277088 Universe City : It just so happened to work you like that, huh?
2277089 Universe City : *work out
2277090 Jaenette : Why argue about topics that are not well known?
2277091 Universe City : I KNOW THAT YOU'RE A VENDIDA!
2277092 Jaenette : Hacer bilis por nada no es bueno para la salud, te estás sancochando la vesícula y el hígado
2277093 Universe City : ME VALE
2277094 Jaenette : es tu cuerpo, nadie más se afecta
2277095 Universe City : A CALLAR
2277096 Jaenette : A tomar, tú a tomar agua de alcachofa, ayuda o de diente de león
2277097 Universe City : CALLATE LA BOCA
2277098 Jaenette : Cuando se habla solo se puede callar la boca, pero ahora no hablo, qué debe decirse en este caso?
2277099 Universe City : QUE TE CALLES LA BOCA
2277100 Jaenette : Pobre de tu hígado :(
2277102 Jaenette : Pobre de tu vesícula :(
2277103 Universe City : Nunca tuviste un nombre para tu condición ahora si lo tienes: ERES UNA VENDIDA!
2277104 Jaenette : ;)
2277105 Jaenette : Tienes seguro de salud?
2277106 Jaenette : Lo necesitarás
2277107 Universe City : QUE TE IMPORTA?
2277108 Universe City : CALLATE LA BOCA QUE ENFADAS
2277109 Jaenette : No me importa, era solo una pregunta
2277111 Jaenette : Si tus letras matarán, seguro me matas jaja
2277112 Jdawg78 : Hola!
2277113 Jaenette : ‹@Jdawg78› Hola
2277114 Universe City : ‹@Jdawg78› ¡Hola!
2277115 Jdawg78 : Hola aenette!
2277116 Jdawg78 : Hola UC!
2277117 Universe City : ‹@Jdawg78› ¿Cómo estás?
2277118 Jdawg78 : Not much. :D
2277119 Jaenette : ‹@Jdawg78› Tu gata juega contigo?
2277120 Universe City : ¿Cómo estás? = How are you?/How's it going?
2277121 Jdawg78 : ‹@Universe City› Lo sabo.
2277122 Jdawg78 : te estoy trolleando.
2277123 Universe City : ‹@Jdawg78› Jaja.
2277124 Jdawg78 : ‹@Jaenette› si. hay fuegos artificiales afuera.
2277125 Jdawg78 : hacen ruidos.
2277126 Jaenette : ‹@Jdawg78› jajaja
2277127 Universe City : Sí.
2277128 Jaenette : ‹@Jdawg78› Te gusta trolear? A mí sí a veces
2277129 Jaenette : Hoy día troleé a Mac
2277130 Jaenette : Se lo merece
2277131 Universe City : ‹@Jaenette› Si, como no. No te pareció que te diga la mera neta: ¡QUE ERES UNA VENDIDA!
2277132 Jdawg78 : AI video of my face.
2277133 Jdawg78 : www.hedra.com/app/charact...
2277134 Jaenette : ‹@Jdawg78› Ponen una bandera en este día en su casa?
2277135 Jdawg78 : Nah.
2277136 Universe City : ‹@Jdawg78› It wants me to sign up.
2277137 Jaenette : Cómo se entra?
2277138 Jaenette : No sé entrar
2277139 Jdawg78 : ah, hmm,
2277140 Jdawg78 : voy a subirlo a youtube.
2277141 Jaenette : ok, gracias
2277142 Jdawg78 : youtu.be/G4U_dthryCA
2277143 Jaenette : ‹@Jdawg78› Es tu voz?
2277144 Jaenette : Tienes buena voz y es bonita canción
2277145 Universe City : ‹@Jdawg78› Jaja.
2277146 Jaenette : Se ve bien tu retrato a lápiz
2277147 Universe City : I almost g2g, to take a shower.
2277148 Universe City : And I have to get off the computer.
2277149 Universe City : I might log on for another hour, it all depends.
2277150 Jaenette : ‹@Jdawg78› Me gustó mucho
2277151 Jaenette : ‹@Jdawg78› Buenas noches, que tengas un buen día, está haciendo frío, ya me voy
2277152 Universe City : ‹@Jaenette› LARGATE DE MI VISTA
2277153 Universe City : "The United States has been the world's largest national economy in terms of GDP since around 1890.[101] "
2277154 Universe City : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eco...