History - Historia
Here you can see all the history of previous conversations.
Aquí se puede ver todo el historial de conversaciones anteriores.
2259835 maestroandalu : What's your English level?
2259836 maestroandalu : Are there foreign people around?
2259837 Dayana : I don't know exactly, I guess intermediate. Not many really
2259838 Dayana : Now fewer tourists arrive, the post-pandemic crisis
2259839 maestroandalu : Ahhh.
2259840 maestroandalu : so, you study English yourself?
2259841 Dayana : Yes, on my own
2259842 Dayana : I studied it for a while at a language center, but then not anymore, just on my own
2259843 Dayana : Good afternoon, newcomer
2259844 maestroandalu : Hey Travis.
2259845 maestroandalu : how's it going?
2259846 Travis : Howdy ST
2259847 maestroandalu : Travis is old here like me
2259848 maestroandalu : He likes Spanish music.
2259849 Travis : Sofy?
2259850 Dayana : Nice to meet you, Travis
2259851 maestroandalu : Chiquetete, Jose Luis Perales
2259852 maestroandalu : Etc...
2259854 Travis : What's new, Manolo?
2259855 Dayana : I don't know who the newly appointed ones are, I've never heard of them
2259856 Travis : Newly appointed ones?
2259857 Dayana : Chiquetete and Perales
2259858 Travis : Oh, they're old, from the 1980s
2259859 maestroandalu : Mucho trabajo
2259860 Dayana : I don't know them, I'm sorry
2259861 Travis : You should relax more, ST
2259862 maestroandalu : Ya, ayer estuve aquí.
2259863 maestroandalu : Me encontré con el mono que decía que dejara a Patricia, que era suya.
2259864 Travis : Con quien hablaste?
2259865 maestroandalu : Me hizo gracia.
2259867 Dayana : Please, I ask you both to correct me if I make mistakes, I am clumsy with English.
2259868 maestroandalu : Me alegró la noche el monito.
2259869 Travis : You're from Ecuador, Dayana?
2259870 Dayana : Yes, I am, Travis
2259871 Travis : You used to come in here years ago?
2259872 Dayana : Last night it was my first time here
2259874 maestroandalu : Ella es nuevecita
2259876 Dayana : Thanks a lot
2259877 maestroandalu : She's learning English like me
2259878 Travis : There was a girl many years ago from Ecuador called Sofy :D
2259879 Travis : A user here
2259880 Dayana : Last night, someone mentioned that they met a Dyana
2259881 Travis : Your English is better than ever, ST
2259882 Travis : Probably Macuahuitl, Dayana
2259883 Travis : He's here more than anyone
2259884 Dayana : I understand why you said Sofy, Travis
2259886 Travis : You both speak English well
2259887 maestroandalu : I should speak better than Donald Trump
2259888 Dayana : Thanks, travis
2259890 Travis : Or mumble more than Biden
2259891 Travis : Hola Cap
2259892 CaptainJack : Hola Trav, que pasa?
2259893 Travis : Just feeding crows lol
2259894 Travis : Did you go to Italy?
2259895 CaptainJack : Not yet
2259896 Dayana : Good afternoon, CaptainJack
2259897 CaptainJack : Next month I hope
2259898 CaptainJack : Hola Dayana
2259900 maestroandalu : El capitán Morgan
2259901 Travis : Dayana is new. Try to be normal :D
2259902 maestroandalu : Jack Morgan
2259904 CaptainJack : Hope you are enjoying your time here learning English
2259905 Dayana : Yes, I am, CJ, thanks
2259906 maestroandalu : Dayana .... Captain is british
2259907 Travis : Capt Morgan spiced rum is the first thing I ever got sick on
2259908 maestroandalu : and Travis, American
2259910 CaptainJack : Bueno, it is a good place to lear
2259912 Travis : Yes, a proud Englishman lol
2259913 Travis : Captain hates Scotland
2259914 CaptainJack : I am not British ST, soy Escoces
2259915 maestroandalu : www.youtube.com/watch
2259916 maestroandalu : A nice song by Sting
2259918 Travis : Sting was better in The Police
2259919 Dayana : He's not so proud then
2259920 Travis : His solo stuff bores me
2259921 Travis : True, Dayana
2259922 CaptainJack : I liked Sting both in the Police and solo
2259924 Travis : Well you ARE a tad insane, Cap
2259925 CaptainJack : Solo un poco Trav
2259926 Travis : Too much Captain Morgan?
2259927 CaptainJack : It helps aqui :p
2259928 Travis : I believe you :D
2259929 Travis : I didn't come in for a couple of weeks and everyone wondered why lol
2259930 CaptainJack : What have you all been up to?
2259931 Travis : Mono even suggested maybe I had died :D
2259932 CaptainJack : Why Were you not here Trav?
2259933 Travis : I needed a break, Jackie O
2259934 maestroandalu : Sting is an American?