History - Historia
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Aquí se puede ver todo el historial de conversaciones anteriores.
2275655 Moth : Hola JD. Hola Kl
2275656 Universe City : ‹@Moth› ¿Cómo estás?
2275657 Universe City : ‹@kkkkkkk› You OBVIOUSLY don't know what trolling is either.
2275658 Jdawg78 : I kind of have a crush on the new coworker.
2275659 Universe City : ‹@Jdawg78› The female Spanish-speaker?
2275660 kkkkkkk : chuy i’m trolling you right now to get a reaction
2275661 Jdawg78 : He understood all the musical references and movie references...even monty python.
2275662 Jdawg78 : No, the new guy.
2275663 Universe City : ‹@kkkkkkk› I see, I'm not trolling.
2275664 Moth : Doing well, thanks. Whats cooking? :D
2275665 Universe City : ‹@Jdawg78› Oh, jaja.
2275667 Universe City : ‹@Moth› Not much just got done owning Jon the White Supremacist azzhole.
2275668 Universe City : ‹@kkkkkkk› GTFO
2275669 Universe City : We'll fight it out next time.
2275670 kkkkkkk : chuy :(
2275671 Moth : Who is that?
2275672 Universe City : And then he'll "have to go" like always.
2275673 Universe City : Jon the White Supremacist azzhole.
2275674 Universe City : "charliedontsurf, Travis, etc."
2275675 Moth : I was never introduced to him
2275676 Universe City : ‹@Moth› That's a good thing.
2275677 Universe City : I have to take a Jon, BRB.
2275678 Moth : Uhm? Travis is a good chatter as far as I know
2275679 Universe City : Sorry, I meant to say I have to go to the John.
2275680 Universe City : :D
2275681 Universe City : I have to take a shyt, BRB.
2275682 Moth : Universe slow down :P
2275683 Moth : I think I came at the wrong time
2275684 Jdawg78 : Nah.
2275685 Jdawg78 : Relax...
2275686 Moth : Why are you always spreading so much love here?.
2275687 Jdawg78 : Me?
2275688 Moth : I was a bit sarcastic. Everybody usually insult others here.
2275689 Universe City : Okay, back.
2275690 Universe City : He started it.
2275691 Universe City : He wants to get me banned because I call him what he is: A WHITE SUPREMACIST.
2275693 Universe City : Anyways.
2275694 Jdawg78 : Well, I am a reverend.
2275695 Jdawg78 : So it's my job to spread love.
2275696 Universe City : ‹@Jdawg78› Jaja.
2275697 Universe City : ‹@Jdawg78› She was talking about me.
2275698 Universe City : ‹@Moth› I only fight with racist people/vendido/as.
2275699 Universe City : Like Jon, Helena, Angie, etc.
2275700 Universe City : My face is starting to hurt. >.<
2275701 Moth : You see, Universe. This aint doing any good to you.
2275702 Universe City : Ehh, they got on my nerves.
2275703 Universe City : *get
2275704 Moth : Jd, please, spread more of that love to Universe and the other. You've not been doing a good job here :D
2275705 Jdawg78 : Okay, everyone hug it out now.
2275707 Universe City : I gave Jon a second chance.
2275708 Universe City : He blew it.
2275709 Moth : I understand Universe but still that is not good for your health.
2275710 Universe City : ‹@Moth› lol..
2275711 Universe City : "Anger is a gift" - Malcolm X
2275712 Moth : Why do you care so much of the people to whom you will never ever meet in real life?
2275713 Universe City : ‹@Moth› Because they're racist.
2275714 Moth : Jd, you'll have to do more than that.
2275715 Jdawg78 : A round of edibles for everyone.
2275716 Universe City : The estimates of "money generated" by songs, movies, franchises, etc. by Gemini are believable.
2275717 Moth : Have they insulted you, Universe?
2275718 Universe City : ‹@Moth› Yes.
2275719 Moth : ‹@Jdawg78› That is what I meant! Haha thanks.
2275720 Moth : What exactly?
2275721 Universe City : ‹@Moth› Tell me if there is not racism then why are there shows like "La paisana Jacinta" in "Perú
2275722 Universe City : "?
2275723 Universe City : *if there is no racism
2275725 Universe City : It's a serious question.
2275726 Moth : You take things too seriously, Universe. That is the proble.
2275728 Universe City : There's other shows like that. I've seen them on Google.
2275729 Universe City : ‹@Moth› Oh, I should let people be racist?
2275730 Moth : La paisana Jacinta is not mocking about people who dress like her.
2275731 Universe City : ‹@Moth› It's ridiculing and belittling indigenous people.
2275732 Universe City : That's the whole point of that show.
2275733 Moth : So, you are watching that kind of TV program?
2275734 Universe City : It's humiliating indigenous people.
2275735 Universe City : I'll watch a random episode on YouTube and prove it to you.
2275736 Moth : La paisana Jacinta is only a humorous character, I believe. The problem is the people who feel humiliated with such character.
2275737 Universe City : The people? The entire race of Peruvian people?
2275738 Universe City : Just by the way "she" dresses let's me know it's racist.
2275739 Jdawg78 : Have you seen Blazing Saddles?
2275740 Universe City : See: It ridicules and belittle indigenous people.
2275741 Jdawg78 : That's the way to do racist comedy.
2275742 Universe City : ‹@Jdawg78› Nope.
2275743 Jdawg78 : It's like making fun of the racist.
2275744 Universe City : Jaja.
2275745 Jdawg78 : A lot of N words in that movie.
2275747 Jdawg78 : But they do it perfectly.
2275748 Jdawg78 : The new sherif is a "n..(bell rings)
2275749 Universe City : ‹@Moth› I just watched a few minutes of a random episode. Just the way "she" dresses let's me know it's making fun of indigenous people.
2275750 Universe City : And that it's racist.
2275751 Jdawg78 : What he say? "The new sherrif is near!'
2275752 Jdawg78 : And by the end he wins the town over.
2275753 Universe City : "Release date: February 7, 1974 (USA)"
2275754 Universe City : Doesn't surprise me.