History - Historia
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Aquí se puede ver todo el historial de conversaciones anteriores.
2275253 Jaenette : Una placa que desplaza el estado
2275254 charliedontsurf : How do you think the Hawaiian islands formed?
2275255 Jaenette : Dicen que África se partirá en dos
2275256 Universe City : Jaja.
2275257 Jaenette : Pero de acá a unos millones ded años más
2275258 charliedontsurf : Africa and South America were once connected
2275259 Jaenette : Sí, encajan perfecto
2275260 charliedontsurf : Perdon, Jeanete, podemos escribir en espanol
2275262 Jaenette : Tal vez, descendemos de negros también los sudamericanos
2275263 charliedontsurf : O tu puedes escribir en ingles :D
2275264 Jaenette : Sí puedo aunque no tan bien
2275265 Jaenette : Mejor en español por hoy, por favor
2275266 charliedontsurf : a ver......
2275268 charliedontsurf : Chuy estara con sus mapas y perros jaja
2275269 Universe City : "It’s not your imagination: People are getting COVID again June 26, 2024 at 11:33 am "
2275270 charliedontsurf : Luego JD entrara y El Mono Real
2275271 Jaenette : Chuy es mAc, correcto?
2275272 Universe City : "ATLANTA — The summer of 2024 is already bringing soaring temperatures to much of the country along with something else that has become almost a given: a seasonal COVID-19 wave."
2275274 Universe City : www.seattletimes.com/nati...
2275275 charliedontsurf : Y UniverseCity, The Boy Wonder
2275276 Universe City : ¿YA VEN QUE NO SE ACABADO LA PANDEMIA?
2275277 Jaenette : Es un multinicks jajaja
2275278 charliedontsurf : oh brother
2275279 Jaenette : Ya se acabó la pandemia
2275280 charliedontsurf : Yo tengo dos apodos
2275281 Universe City : Sólo este, Macuahuitl y Universe CIty.
2275282 Universe City : Digo y The Boy Wonder.
2275283 Jaenette : Muchos muchos, pero muchos no se vacunaron en Ayacucho
2275284 charliedontsurf : Yep, son tres
2275285 Jaenette : Yo no me vacuné, tampoco mi familia
2275286 charliedontsurf : Remember years ago when you denied being Chuy?
2275287 Jaenette : Menos mis abuelitos, ellos dijeron, nos ponen eso y nos matan
2275288 charliedontsurf : That was hilarious
2275289 Universe City : ‹@charliedontsurf› No, I never did that.
2275290 charliedontsurf : Sure you did
2275291 Universe City : Nope.
2275292 Universe City : You're lying.
2275293 Jaenette : Y porqué lo negabas, Mac?
2275294 charliedontsurf : Whatever, not worth a fight
2275295 Universe City : ‹@Jaenette› Creo que el gobierno de "Perú" les mintión diciendo que se acabo la pandemia.
2275296 Universe City : ‹@Jaenette› Nunca lo hice...
2275297 Jaenette : Que importa lo que diga el gobierno, siempre mienten
2275298 Universe City : ‹@charliedontsurf› ¿Con qué nick entraba cuando paso eso?
2275299 Universe City : *mintió
2275300 Jaenette : El gobierno dijo estamos preparados para la pandemia, era mentira
2275301 charliedontsurf : Most people have been living normal lives again for years, you know that, right? No masks, no distancing
2275302 charliedontsurf : You can do as you please, but I haven't seen a mask on anyone in 2 years
2275303 Universe City : Yeah, but even the WHO says the pandemic is not over.
2275304 Jaenette : Dijo que había todo para superar la pandemia y muchos dijeron, nos vamos a morir con este gobienro jaja
2275305 Universe City : A lot of people are still getting infected and dying from COVID.
2275306 charliedontsurf : St Fauci lol
2275307 charliedontsurf : Few are dying lol
2275308 Jaenette : Ese desgraciado de Fauci
2275309 Universe City : And like that news article (from June 26, 2024) said from the "Seattle Times" people are getting COVID again.
2275310 charliedontsurf : Covid got the very old and very weak in the beginning
2275311 Jaenette : Te da covid, pero no te mueres, mac
2275312 charliedontsurf : I think you fly under the radar :D
2275313 Jaenette : Es como cualquier gripe ahora
2275314 Universe City : I forgot that number, I would have to watch the video again but something along the lines of 100.000-400,000 or more people are getting infected ever week.
2275315 charliedontsurf : Estoy de acuerdo
2275316 Universe City : ‹@charliedontsurf› What nick did I supposedly use when I denied being Chuy?
2275317 Universe City : *every
2275318 Jaenette : ‹@Universe City› No seas miedoso
2275319 charliedontsurf : I can't remember, it was like 6 years ago
2275320 kkkkkkk : sih bih????
2275321 charliedontsurf : And the denials lasted for weeks
2275322 Universe City : Jaja. Well, that never happened.
2275323 charliedontsurf : Everyone knew your style, language, everything
2275324 charliedontsurf : Yeah ok
2275325 Universe City : Oh, wait. I think I remember.
2275326 Jaenette : kkkk es la forma en que ponen risa los asiáticos
2275327 Universe City : When I was fighting with Shawn?
2275328 charliedontsurf : No idea, I didn't know Shawn well
2275329 Jaenette : ‹@kkkkkkk› Hola
2275330 Universe City : ‹@Jaenette› No voy a arriesgarme.
2275331 kkkkkkk : ‹@charliedontsurf› sih bih?
2275332 Universe City : He stopped coming in here after they changed the format of the chat.
2275333 Universe City : I guess he didn't want to get banned.
2275334 charliedontsurf : omg who are you kkkk?
2275335 Universe City : ‹@kkkkkkk› ¡Hola!
2275336 charliedontsurf : I remember sih bih
2275337 kkkkkkk : are you jon?
2275338 charliedontsurf : Can't remember the context
2275339 Universe City : I think I did that because I was fighting with Shawn.
2275341 Universe City : lol..
2275342 kkkkkkk : how don’t you remember sih bih
2275343 Universe City : Yeah, but normally I wouldn't deny it.
2275344 charliedontsurf : So I wasn't lying, you're forgiven
2275345 kkkkkkk : i’m crying
2275346 Universe City : Sih bih rings a bell.
2275347 charliedontsurf : omg don't cry
2275348 Jaenette : ‹@kkkkkkk› why? don't cry
2275349 charliedontsurf : I used to write sih bih to someone, hmmmm
2275350 charliedontsurf : 08?
2275351 kkkkkkk : you sent it to me only last year on skype
2275352 Universe City : ‹@charliedontsurf› Nah, you just made it seem like I did that. I did it because I was fighting with Shawn.