History - Historia
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Aquí se puede ver todo el historial de conversaciones anteriores.
2273650 Travis : Being busy means you have employment, you're needed
2273651 maestroandalu : waking up early
2273652 maestroandalu : around 6 amç
2273653 Travis : Early bird gets the worm :D
2273654 maestroandalu : A quien madruga Dios le ayuda.
2273655 maestroandalu : I know that phrase
2273656 Travis : lol same meaning
2273657 maestroandalu : Sí, es lo mismo.
2273658 Travis : But in the English world, God is a bird haha
2273659 maestroandalu : Same context
2273661 maestroandalu : Digamos que el pájaro es quien madruga
2273662 Travis : You have a beautiful beak
2273663 maestroandalu : Y Dios hace que se coma el gusanitoç
2273664 maestroandalu : Perdona que no escriba bien, es que tengo mucho sueño.
2273665 Travis : Escribes bien
2273666 maestroandalu : LLevo una semana levantándome temprano - I have been getting up early for a week.
2273667 Travis : It's nearly midnight there, I get it
2273668 maestroandalu : In Spanish better than English, hahahaha
2273669 Travis : pobre Profe
2273670 maestroandalu : 0:16
2273671 Travis : obviously, sir
2273672 Travis : Oh, it's already after midnight, my bad
2273673 maestroandalu : I have seen some people here want to learn Spanish.
2273674 Travis : I thought you were 7 hours ahead of me, not 8
2273675 maestroandalu : Después se rajan
2273676 Travis : Yeah, but they don't return
2273678 maestroandalu : Todo mentira mi buen amigo Travis
2273679 Travis : Quieran aprender por osmosis :D
2273680 maestroandalu : bullshit - guilipolleces
2273683 maestroandalu : ¡Muy bien orregido!
2273684 maestroandalu : corregido**
2273685 Travis : You've said it before yourself. They come in, look promising and you never hear from them again
2273687 Travis : They want to learn your language in a week, won't put in the work.
2273688 Travis : Totally ridiculous, as you know
2273689 maestroandalu : Today I have seen a woman who wanted to learn it
2273690 Travis : In Spain, or in here?
2273691 maestroandalu : I guess she is English native
2273692 Travis : A lot want to learn it, but will they put in the work????
2273693 maestroandalu : I do not know where's she from
2273694 Travis : I want to be 30 again, but.....lol
2273695 Travis : You met her in espanglishchat?
2273696 maestroandalu : Sí. Entró a las 8
2273697 maestroandalu : Yo lo vi tarde.
2273698 Travis : OK, well I hope she comes back and you two can help each other
2273699 Travis : win/win
2273700 maestroandalu : i do not think so
2273701 maestroandalu : No lo creo
2273702 Travis : Dude, that's just what I said to you
2273703 Travis : And you said bullshit lol
2273704 Travis : Many come in and don't return
2273705 Travis : It's natural. They come in, feel it out and say, nah, I'll pass
2273706 maestroandalu : Pues eso. El personal se raja.
2273707 Travis : Not enough people, weirdos, idiots, whatever
2273708 maestroandalu : Y yo estoy empezando a hartarme más.
2273709 maestroandalu : you are the only one who helps me
2273711 Travis : That's a shame
2273712 maestroandalu : Sometimes Macua and Justin
2273713 Travis : JD could help you, but he's too into his cat and AI lol
2273714 maestroandalu : Que son los cancerberos de este sitio.
2273715 maestroandalu : Ya, es lo que hay
2273716 Travis : Tienes una pregunta alguna hoy?
2273717 maestroandalu : I do not have any noted down
2273720 Travis : 10 Padre Nuestros y 5 Ave Marias, senor
2273721 maestroandalu : My ideas arise at night when I sleep
2273722 Travis : Probably more than ideas arise at night haha
2273724 maestroandalu : Porn?
2273725 Travis : Did you understand that?
2273727 Travis : El nabo :D
2273729 maestroandalu : Ya, pero cuando me vienen las ideas, my black and decker está tranquilito.
2273731 maestroandalu : The another day I downloaded an English book
2273732 maestroandalu : Grammar in use
2273733 maestroandalu : www.bing.com/images/searc...
2273734 Travis : The other day*
2273735 Travis : You often make that mistake, other and another
2273736 Travis : Do you like the book?
2273737 maestroandalu : Sí, porque another es singular
2273738 maestroandalu : Por eso me lío.
2273739 Travis : I understood you just fine
2273740 maestroandalu : Pero tú eres el nativo, yo no.
2273741 maestroandalu : Tú eres mi mentor
2273742 Travis : I feel sorry for you if I am your mentor :D
2273743 Travis : Mereces mucho mas
2273744 Travis : Alguien mejor jaja
2273745 maestroandalu : Con lo que haces, me sobra, lo malo es que no entro mucho y es difícil encontrarte.
2273746 maestroandalu : The good point is by paying it
2273747 Travis : Trabajar es mas importante
2273748 maestroandalu : Ya.