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2273250 Jdawg78 : There's some that say Jesus and Buddha were the same person.
2273251 Travis : mis creencias o el otro apodo, Flor?
2273252 Flower : el apodo, sir
2273253 Jdawg78 : Kind of like how in greek and roman mythology, Hercules, Heraclese...Zeus vs Apollo.
2273254 Travis : There is an opinion/a book about every possible version of every possible subject. Doesn't make all "ideas" legit
2273255 Flower : Afrodita, Venus
2273256 Travis : Right, the Romans conquered the Greeks and in the Roman world, would adopt all gods of conquered lands
2273257 Travis : Poseidon...Neptune blah blah
2273258 Flower : yep, sir, son los mismos dioses
2273259 Travis : Exacto, Flor
2273260 Flower : y los dioses del Olimpo tenían hijos con humanos
2273261 Flower : y entonces tenemos a Hércules, Aquiles y etc
2273262 Travis : Herakles, Hercules
2273263 Travis : Demi-gods, Flor
2273264 Flower : yup, semi dioses
2273265 Flower : que eran el punto del odio de algunos dioses
2273267 Jdawg78 : Beavis and Butthead.
2273268 Jdawg78 : In 1,000 years they'll teach about them in schools.
2273269 Travis : JD and Chuy LOL
2273270 Flower : y entonces a proteger a los semidioses de la maldad de los dioses y la pelea entre ellos
2273271 Travis : The world will end in 3 years according to AOC, so that can't happen
2273272 Travis : DEP Beavis and Butthead 2027
2273273 Jdawg78 : Just the world as we know it.
2273274 Flower : será en 3 millones de años más, sir
2273276 Travis : You believe that?
2273277 Jdawg78 : I don't know anything.
2273278 Travis : Define "as we know it"
2273279 Flower : creer en qué y quién?
2273280 Jdawg78 : There's always a posibility of a Katrina from Space.
2273281 Flower : ah ya, para dwj
2273282 Travis : No tengo la menor idea, Flor
2273283 Jdawg78 : Things change...
2273284 Travis : vague answer, as expected
2273285 Travis : Did you take the day off, JD?
2273286 Jdawg78 : The world is getting hotter. The magnetic poles are about to reverse...the core is slowing down...
2273287 Travis : Hang out with your best girl, Fuzzy?
2273288 Universe City : ‹@Travis› Tell me more about the Mormons.
2273289 Jdawg78 : It's my normal day off. Went to lunch.
2273290 Flower : pero eso no acabará con el mundo por ahora o pronto, dwj
2273291 Travis : Why, Chuy? You have Chat GPT
2273292 Jdawg78 : ‹@Universe City› You should watch the Book of Mormon.
2273293 Universe City : Jaja.
2273294 Travis : Cool, JD
2273295 Jdawg78 : I was reading a thing about the dangers of microplastics.
2273296 Jdawg78 : The sponges I use at the school contributes to microplastics in the body.
2273297 Travis : Tell me about Christianity, Chuy. Something substantive, not something you've memorized from Wiki
2273298 Jdawg78 : And I just thought of George Carlin. The earth, plus plastic.
2273299 Universe City : Ever heard of Serapis?
2273300 Travis : Carlin was the best
2273301 Jdawg78 : piso mojado? Será pis?
2273302 Travis : From your book about Egypt lol
2273303 Jdawg78 : :D
2273304 Universe City : ‹@Travis› Very good. :D
2273305 Flower : ‹@Jdawg78› ‹@Travis› me voy a dormir, mis lindos ojos se cierran
2273306 Flower : 'ta mañana
2273307 Universe City : It was the Greco-Egyptian "God" that the Greeks put in place when they conquered Egypt.
2273308 Travis : OK Flor, hasta manana.
2273309 Jdawg78 : ‹@Flower› Buenas noches!
2273310 Travis : That has happened many times in history, Chuy
2273311 Universe City : And from the Serapis and his image you get "Jesus Christ."
2273312 Universe City : *And from Serapis
2273313 Travis : That's one theory, sure
2273314 Universe City : Now tell me about the Mormons.
2273315 Universe City : :D
2273316 Travis : You'd be smart to study more and alternate ideas to round out your argument instead of saying you've heard of the Apocrypha
2273318 Travis : You saw an History Channel documentary on the Essenes. 45 whole minutes! lol
2273319 Universe City : One of the Biblical Apocryphal books says that when Jesus was resurrected and came out of his tomb the cross he was crucified on came out of the tomb too walking and talking.
2273320 Travis : You've heard the name Nag-Hammadi lol
2273321 Travis : I think you may be confusing Apocrypha with Pseudipigrapha
2273323 Travis : There is a lot of OT Psuedipigrapha and more NT Psuedipigrapha
2273324 Travis : What's funny, Chuy?
2273325 Travis : You laugh at strange moments, like some of my old clients
2273326 Travis : An awkward laugh
2273328 Travis : Just an observation
2273329 Travis : No insult intended
2273330 Jdawg78 : My face is hurting now.
2273331 Jdawg78 : I've got some tylenol number 3.
2273332 Travis : Why, JD?
2273333 Travis : That's usually Macua's line lol
2273334 Jdawg78 : I had my tooth pulled last week.
2273335 Travis : I took Tylenol 3 when they yanked out my Wisdom teeth
2273336 Universe City : The fact that the apocryphal, pseudipigrphal, dueterocanonical books exist is enough for me not to believe.
2273337 Jdawg78 : This was a molar.
2273338 Travis : Yep, that explains it :D
2273339 Travis : No one cares if you believe or not, Chuy, but why would that be a factor?
2273340 Universe City : If these books were included in the Bible it would paint a different picture of "Jesus Christ" and Christianity wouldn't exist.
2273341 Travis : You need to study how the Bible was formed
2273342 Universe City : I am.
2273343 Travis : It wasn't a book like the Q'uran or Book of Mormon that claim to be all done at once
2273344 Travis : What do you know about gnosticism, Chuy?
2273345 Universe City : My whole life until I started researching it myself no one told me any of this.
2273346 Universe City : Why is that?
2273347 Travis : Maybe that would be a beneficial jumping off point
2273348 Universe City : Yes, I do. The Gnostics were the ones who hid the Nag Hammadi books.
2273349 Travis : The info has been there, Chuy. I doubt you mom being a devout Catholic even knows about it or cares, so how would you know?