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2273150 Universe City : Why do people read books? Lol..
2273151 Travis : OK Chuy, tell me about Christianity
2273152 Jdawg78 : I just wait for the movies to come out.
2273153 Universe City : ‹@Flower› Jajaja.
2273154 Travis : You recently said in the chat that Jesus was a Jew lol
2273155 Universe City : Yes.
2273156 Universe City : He was a Jew born in Judea.
2273157 Universe City : He spoke Aramaic.
2273158 Travis : And you recently discovered that?
2273159 Jdawg78 : He was king of the jews.
2273160 Jdawg78 : youtu.be/NEmScsUkbo4
2273161 Jdawg78 : :D
2273162 Travis : Most people know that as a child
2273163 Universe City : His "image" and name were stolen/plagiarized from the ancient Egyptian civilization.
2273164 Universe City : Us Mexicans tend to think Jesus was Mexican. :D
2273165 Flower : Jesús fue Jesús, Rey de un mundo espitual
2273166 Jdawg78 : I've had this song stuck in my head for a while.
2273167 Travis : Yes, you read a book with that idea, congrats
2273168 Travis : We Mexicans
2273169 Universe City : ‹@Travis› You told me to tell you about Christianity.
2273170 Universe City : *We Mexicans
2273171 Travis : Yes, and you're failing
2273172 Flower : us mexicans? jjajjajja ni yo que no sé inglés, chuy ashhh triste tu life
2273173 Travis : You seem confused about the whole Judeo-Christian thing
2273174 Universe City : 2,000-year-old religion, the largest religion in the world with 2.4 billion followers, the bestselling book of all time with 100 million copies sold ever year.
2273175 Universe City : But no proof that "Jesus Christ" ever existed.
2273176 Travis : You're just learning basics in your 30s and preaching to the chat lol
2273177 Universe City : ZERO, zip, zilch, nada.
2273178 Travis : Well yes and no
2273179 Travis : Where did you hear that, Chuy?
2273180 Jdawg78 : Alan Watts said that Christianity just a finger pointing at the way. Like what Bruce Lee said about pointing at the moon. Look at the moon, don't look at the finger.
2273181 Travis : A book?
2273182 Jdawg78 : But Christians tend to look at the finger, then suck on it for comfort.
2273183 Universe City : The Bible.
2273184 Jdawg78 : And miss the point of Christianity.
2273185 Travis : All books have an agenda, a position, and not all books are equally valid
2273186 Flower : dwj cuál es el punto de la cristiandad?
2273187 Universe City : That's true, not all Bibles are the same. But 100 copies (in all its versions) are sold EVERY YEAR.
2273188 Travis : I've also studied about the historical Jesus
2273189 Universe City : Tell me why are there more apocryphal books that were supposed to be didn't make it into the Bible?
2273190 Travis : No, not versions of the Bible, but commentaries of Christianity
2273191 Jdawg78 : ‹@Flower› ser bueno.
2273192 Universe City : Than books that actually did make it.
2273193 Flower : o del cristianismo
2273194 Universe City : *100 million copies
2273195 Travis : There were a lot of writings that didn't make it into the Bible
2273196 Jdawg78 : Be excellent to each other.
2273197 Flower : yep, y no hacer al otro lo que no quieres que hagan con uno ( ser bueno)
2273198 Universe City : ‹@Travis› There are more books that didn't than actually did.
2273199 Travis : The Bible isn't a book, it's a collection of writings, collected, and some were added, some were not for various reasons
2273200 Travis : I know all about it, Chuy
2273201 Universe City : I'll sum up Judaeo-Christianity: It's golden rule: Treat others the way want to be treated.
2273202 Universe City : ‹@Travis› Yep.
2273203 Flower : mucho inglés
2273204 Jdawg78 : It's like a tribute to the greatest song ever...not the actual song.
2273205 Flower : no entiendo mucho
2273206 Jdawg78 : No one knows the actual song.
2273207 Travis : The sage has spoken lol
2273208 Universe City : :D
2273209 Travis : Si, entiendes todo, Flor
2273210 Flower : nope, sir, tengo sueño
2273211 Universe City : *Its
2273213 Flower : las letras bailan lambada ahora ante mis ojos jajjajjaj
2273214 Flower : zetaa no habla
2273215 Travis : No tienes sueno
2273216 Flower : no mucho, sir
2273217 Travis : Esta aqui "en espiritu"
2273218 Flower : era excusa para no decir que entiendo poco
2273219 Flower : Jesús siempre está con nosotros
2273220 Travis : Chuy, still here, or looking up with Wiki and Chat GPT?
2273221 Universe City : I'll keep you guys updated while I read more bout it.
2273222 Universe City : I actually am, Wikipedia.
2273223 Flower : sir, chuy no sabe nada, por gusto lo quieres instruir
2273224 Travis : Of course you are
2273225 Flower : ‹@Universe City› trabaja en lugar de mentir diciendo que hay pandemia y por eso no trabajas
2273226 Universe City : I'm trying to find out how many "Latin Americans" make up the Christian population.
2273227 Travis : There is not a ton of non-Biblical "proof" of Jesus, it's true, but there is some. The same can be said about a lot of ancient figures
2273228 Universe City : ‹@Travis› Show me.
2273229 Travis : Look up Flavius Josephus for example
2273230 Universe City : "Despite a decline in adherence in the West, Christianity remains the dominant religion in the region, with about 70% of that population identifying as Christian.[1][317]
2273231 Jdawg78 : You know there is also little proof that Socrates was real either.
2273232 Jdawg78 : But the ideas that were proposed were still useful.
2273233 Flower : <Flavio Josefo el historiador de mayor crédito
2273234 Travis : There is mention of a Jesus in the Ancient world, but not like we have now, obviously
2273235 Jdawg78 : Same with Jesus, wether he existed or not...
2273236 Universe City : 86% in the Americas (90% in Latin America and 77% in North America) identified themselves as Christians.[284][1]"
2273237 Travis : Exactly, JD
2273238 Universe City : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chr...
2273239 Jdawg78 : I'm a fan of not murdering other people and such.
2273240 Flower : ‹@Jdawg78› damn right
2273241 Travis : I believe the man Jesus was born and lived, was a rabbi, taught his revolutionary ideas
2273242 Jdawg78 : Even the Tao te Ching written by Lao Tzu, he may not have been a real person...just a psuedonym.
2273243 Universe City : 90% of "Latin America"? That's a lot of people.
2273244 Travis : Whether any miracles were legit, or resurrecting from the dead is another story
2273245 Jdawg78 : Lao Tzu actually just translates into Old boy.
2273246 Jdawg78 : niño viejo.
2273247 Travis : Lao-tze was another of my old nicks lol
2273248 Flower : en serio, sir?
2273249 Flower : ese, sir lol