History - Historia
Here you can see all the history of previous conversations.
Aquí se puede ver todo el historial de conversaciones anteriores.
2270048 Macuahuitl : Com siempre.
2270050 Macuahuitl : *Como
2270051 Flower : si me voy es porque tengo que dormir, no sufro de falta de sueño en la noche como tú , chuy
2270052 Jdawg78 : un segundo.
2270053 Macuahuitl : Entonces ya largate.
2270054 Flower : okis, dwj
2270055 Jdawg78 : Te voy a pasar la cancion completa.
2270056 Macuahuitl : Que me enfadas.
2270057 Flower : ‹@Macuahuitl› mide lo que dices o te doy una patada en la oreja
2270058 Macuahuitl : ‹@Flower› CALLATE LA BOCA.
2270059 Flower : no me quiero callar
2270061 Flower : no me callo
2270062 Flower : qué nuevos consejos te dio tu amigo el mono, chuy?
2270063 Macuahuitl : Me dijo que te calles la boca.
2270064 Flower : ‹@Macuahuitl› agradece que te hablo, porque sino estarías como pan duro sin vender lol
2270065 Jdawg78 : pero todo estamos callados.
2270066 Jdawg78 : Solo escribimos. :D
2270067 Macuahuitl : Si. como no.
2270068 Flower : ‹@Jdawg78› así es
2270069 Flower : no saben cómo es mi voz melodiosa, encantadora y suave
2270070 Jdawg78 : Okay...termino de la can cion.
2270071 Jdawg78 : cancion.
2270072 Flower : ya dwj
2270073 Jdawg78 : tengo que poner una foto.
2270075 Jdawg78 : Se llama "Mi Verdad"
2270076 Flower : buen titlle
2270077 Jdawg78 : Okay, lista?
2270078 Jdawg78 : www.udio.com/songs/oYrM1E...
2270080 Jdawg78 : En puno, hallé, mi verdad.
2270081 Flower : está hermosa la song
2270082 Flower : y no hay verdad más sanadora que Dios y nuestra madre la virgen
2270083 Jdawg78 : Voy a ponerla a mi canal de youtube.
2270084 Flower : muchas gracias, dwj
2270085 Flower : está hermosa y conmueve
2270086 Flower : Ritmo de huayno, en cada latido Al compás de mi corazón agradecido
2270087 Flower : En los andes sagrados, se siente su amor Entre qhapaq y candelaria
2270088 Flower : Bendice a tus hijos, siempre a tu lado En las noches frías, eres abrigo amado
2270089 Flower : hermosas letras
2270090 Flower : y hablando de frío lol de verdad que la noche está fría
2270091 Flower : dwj ya me voy, sigue comiendo helados para tu muela e invita algo a fuzzy
2270092 Flower : ‹@Jdawg78› cuida mucho de ti, gracias por la song
2270093 Flower : hasta lueguito, dwj
2270094 Jdawg78 : Buenas noches!
2270095 Flower : ‹@Jdawg78› chau :)
2270097 Macuahuitl : Okay, back.
2270098 Macuahuitl : :D
2270099 Jdawg78 : Man, I am so tired.
2270100 Macuahuitl : I'm getting sleepy too.
2270101 Jdawg78 : Didn't get my full 8 hours last night.
2270102 Macuahuitl : It's 9 hours for adults.
2270103 Jdawg78 : Then this morning I worked...then when I got home did some lawn mowing again.
2270105 Jdawg78 : And the heat just kind of drains you.
2270106 Macuahuitl : Yeah, I hate that.
2270107 Macuahuitl : IDK what the ferrets are doing but they're making a lot of noise.
2270108 Macuahuitl : Like they're in a paper bag or something.
2270109 Macuahuitl : Ehh, I don't feel like being on the computer.
2270110 Macuahuitl : I'm going to go lay down in my bed in my air conditioned room.
2270111 Macuahuitl : See you tomorrow, Perro Jota. Take care.
2270113 Tearaway : Hello.
2270114 Tearaway : How are you?
2270115 maestroandalu : Fine, thanks
2270116 maestroandalu : Where r u from?
2270117 Tearaway : You're welcome.
2270119 Tearaway : I'm from Chile, South America.
2270120 Tearaway : What about you?
2270121 maestroandalu : I am from Seville(Spain)
2270122 Tearaway : Wonderful city.
2270123 maestroandalu : yes, it is
2270124 Tearaway : I was mesmerized by its beauty and history.
2270125 maestroandalu : were u there?
2270126 Tearaway : What are the things that you like about your city the most?
2270127 Tearaway : Yes, I was. :-)
2270130 Tearaway : I see.
2270131 maestroandalu : Joyful boosted by weather
2270132 maestroandalu : it is recently so hot though
2270133 Tearaway : Oh.
2270134 maestroandalu : Summers are scorching
2270135 maestroandalu : from 45 º up
2270136 Tearaway : I've been told that and I read a little about the weather of Seville on my way there, on the train.
2270137 maestroandalu : A fucking hell
2270138 maestroandalu : do you wanna go back again to Spain?
2270139 Tearaway : Unfortunately, I couldn't have a taste of orange liqueur. I was looking forward to drinking some, but too many places to see and not too much time.
2270140 Tearaway : I would love to. :-)
2270141 maestroandalu : Our accent is hard for English tourist
2270142 Tearaway : I was enthralled by the beauty of your orange tree lined streets, the architectural mix of Roman and Arabic origins, the heavily ornamented Catholic churches...
2270143 Tearaway : And the view from the Giralda...
2270144 Tearaway : I haven't even begun to talk about Plaza España.
2270145 maestroandalu : www.bing.com/images/searc...
2270146 Tearaway : I felt overwhelmed by all of its splendour.
2270147 Tearaway : 45 degrees.