History - Historia
Here you can see all the history of previous conversations.
Aquí se puede ver todo el historial de conversaciones anteriores.
2269148 Universe City : ¡Hasta luego!
2269149 Carlos : Y ya ponte a trbajar
2269150 Carlos : Ya acabó la pandemia
2269151 Universe City : Cuando se acabe la pandemia.
2269152 Universe City : No, güey.
2269153 Carlos : Jajajajaja
2269154 Carlos : Ya vas a tener 40
2269155 Carlos : Te va a ganar el tiempo
2269156 Universe City : Güey, no es mi culpa que pasó la pandemia.
2269157 Universe City : Ya estuviera trabajando y estudiando.
2269158 Carlos : Pero igual pe kaumsa
2269159 Carlos : Escribe un libro
2269160 Carlos : Y vendelo
2269161 Universe City : Jajaja.
2269162 Universe City : Tal vez.
2269163 Carlos : Como JD
2269164 Carlos : Bueno nos vemos
2269165 Universe City : Chao, cuídate.
2269166 Carlos : Saludos a los locos y loquitas peruchas de espanglishchat
2269171 Universe City : Hay una pinche mosca en mi casa.
2269173 Universe City : ¡Hola, engi!
2269174 Gary7 : Hi Mac
2269175 Gary7 : que tal?
2269176 Universe City : ‹@Gary7› How's it going?
2269177 Universe City : Estoy bien, gracias. ¿Y tú?
2269178 Gary7 : all good thanks
2269179 Universe City : That's good to hear. :)
2269180 Universe City : Do you live in London?
2269181 Gary7 : have you started playing chess yet?
2269182 Gary7 : yes I do
2269183 Universe City : Nope, jaja.
2269184 Gary7 : SW London
2269185 Universe City : Wow, I'm surprised you remembered that. Jaja.
2269186 Universe City : Is it true that it rains there a lot?
2269189 Universe City : Jaja. Wow.
2269190 Gary7 : you should learn to play
2269191 Universe City : I don't think I have the time or patience, tbh. Jaja.
2269192 Gary7 : teaches strategy and analytical skills
2269193 Universe City : Jijiji.
2269194 Gary7 : go to a chess set and play a computer on the easy setting
2269195 Gary7 : chess site i mean
2269196 Universe City : I don't know the rules or anything, jaja.
2269197 Gary7 : learn how to move the pieces
2269198 Gary7 : the rules will be explained on the site
2269199 Universe City : Does that website teach you?
2269200 Gary7 : can do
2269201 Universe City : Maybe one of these days I will. Jaja.
2269202 Gary7 : you should
2269203 Gary7 : you like reading
2269204 Universe City : :D
2269205 Gary7 : you are intereted in the world
2269206 Universe City : Jiji.
2269208 Universe City : Maybe one day...jaja.
2269209 Gary7 : chess is a good way of exercising the mind
2269210 Universe City : Jijiji.
2269211 Universe City : Does it take a lot of intelligence?
2269212 Universe City : Do you still play Wordle?
2269214 Gary7 : every day
2269215 Universe City : Jijiji.
2269216 Universe City : How old are you again? Sorry, I forgot.
2269217 Gary7 : analysis and strategy
2269218 Universe City : Jijiji.
2269219 Gary7 : i am quite old these days
2269221 Universe City : Jaja.
2269222 Universe City : I'm 34 years old. :D
2269223 Gary7 : a nice gae
2269225 Universe City : Jijiji.
2269226 Universe City : Do you ever play Chess yourself?
2269227 Universe City : I g2g in 15 minutes.
2269228 Universe City : Now 5 minutes.
2269229 Gary7 : sorry i was away
2269230 Gary7 : yes I play a game most days
2269231 Universe City : Wb.
2269232 Universe City : I g2g in 4 minutes.
2269233 Gary7 : I had better go to
2269234 Gary7 : see you later Maca
2269236 Universe City : All right, see you later. Take care.
2269237 Universe City : ¡Gracias, igualmente!
2269238 Universe City : Okay, well I g2g.
2269239 Universe City : BBL after 9 PM/
2269240 Universe City : Take care, peeps.
2269241 Universe City : Nos vemos.
2269244 agus : hi jor1
2269245 Universe City : ¡Hola!
2269247 Universe City : ¿Eres tú, amiga?