History - Historia
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Aquí se puede ver todo el historial de conversaciones anteriores.
2268743 Macuahuitl : No, no me importa.
2268745 Macuahuitl : Tú eres la que me estás preguntando.
2268746 Jaenette : Es verdad, ya no sigo con eso
2268747 Macuahuitl : Muy bien.
2268748 Jaenette : De qué hablamos entonces?
2268749 Macuahuitl : No sé. Saca un tema.
2268750 Jaenette : No se me ocurre jaja
2268751 Jaenette : Tú pon algún tema
2268752 Macuahuitl : Enseñame jerga peruana.
2268753 Macuahuitl : *"peruana"
2268754 Jaenette : sé poco
2268755 Macuahuitl : O sea "peruanismos."
2268756 Jaenette : casi nada
2268757 Macuahuitl : ¿Qué?
2268758 Jaenette : Ser piña, ser pulpín
2268759 Macuahuitl : ¿Qué significan?
2268760 Jaenette : Tener mala suerte, ser medio tonto
2268761 Macuahuitl : Ahh, okay.
2268762 Jaenette : Sé poco de jergas
2268763 Macuahuitl : Okay.
2268764 Macuahuitl : Angie siempre me está diciendo "mamerto" o algo así. ¿Qué significa eso?
2268765 Jaenette : Mamerto es ser idiota, tonto
2268766 Macuahuitl : HAHAHA.
2268767 Jaenette : Está en el diccionario de la RAE eso
2268768 Macuahuitl : Ahh, okay.
2268769 Macuahuitl : Ahh, okay.
2268770 Macuahuitl : Pensaba que era un "peruanismo."
2268771 Jaenette : Se usa así: no seas mamerto, haz bien las cosas, eso es ejemplo
2268772 Macuahuitl : Jijiji.
2268773 Jdawg78 : Hola!
2268774 Macuahuitl : ‹@Jdawg78› ¡Hola!
2268775 Jaenette : ‹@Jdawg78› Hola
2268776 Macuahuitl : ‹@Jdawg78› ¿Guau, cómo hiciste eso?
2268777 Jdawg78 : como hice que?
2268778 Macuahuitl : ‹@Jdawg78› No un milisegundo y dijiste "¡Hola!"
2268779 Jdawg78 : Hola Jaenette!
2268780 Jaenette : ‹@Jdawg78› hola
2268781 Macuahuitl : *Ni un
2268782 Jdawg78 : soy un señor del tiempo.
2268783 Macuahuitl : O sea entrastes y ni un milisegundo dijiste "Hola!"
2268784 Macuahuitl : Jajaja.
2268785 Jdawg78 : I was watching a short documentary on doctor who.
2268786 Jdawg78 : How they did some of the old school effects.
2268787 Macuahuitl : Jijiji.
2268788 Macuahuitl : I know what movie I'm going to watch next Saturday.
2268789 Macuahuitl : The live-action "Speed Racer (2008" movie: www.youtube.com/watch
2268790 Macuahuitl : John Goodman is in it.
2268791 Jdawg78 : That movie bombed hard.
2268792 Macuahuitl : It was directed by the same sisters who wrote and directed "The Matrix" trilogy.
2268793 Macuahuitl : ‹@Jdawg78› Have you seen it?
2268794 Macuahuitl : BRB,
2268795 Jaenette : ‹@Macuahuitl› Buenas noches
2268796 Jaenette : Chau Mac
2268797 Jdawg78 : Me duele un poco.
2268798 Jdawg78 : And now I'm really hungry.
2268799 Jdawg78 : I'm listening to my dentist song on my tv now.
2268800 Macuahuitl : Okay, back.
2268801 Macuahuitl : Jaja.
2268802 Macuahuitl : ‹@Jdawg78› Have you seen "Speed Racer (2008)"?
2268803 Jdawg78 : No, but it looked horrible.
2268804 Macuahuitl : ‹@Jdawg78› lol
2268805 Macuahuitl : I saw like two clips of it, it looks pretty good.
2268806 Jdawg78 : I was watching some of the new who. Man...not sure what to think yet.
2268807 Jdawg78 : Disney bought it now so they are calling this new season, season 1.
2268808 Macuahuitl : Jaja.
2268810 Jdawg78 : And instead of sci fi, they are adding supernatural elements to it.
2268811 Macuahuitl : Disney should do "Dragon Ball" and "Astro Boy" movies.
2268813 Jdawg78 : It's been on for 60 years.
2268815 Macuahuitl : I just heard of it for the first time just recently.
2268816 Jdawg78 : It's one o those things where they have good episodes and really bad episodes.
2268817 Jdawg78 : Blink is one o my favorite ones.
2268818 Macuahuitl : Jaja.
2268819 Macuahuitl : There has been talks on the internet about Disney doing "Dragon Ball" and "Astro Boy" movies.
2268820 Jdawg78 : Statues that are quantum locked, they can only move when you aren't looking at them.
2268821 Jdawg78 : youtu.be/bdXSDGiLhSg Watch this first bit...
2268823 Macuahuitl : I've seen something like that before.
2268824 Macuahuitl : Oh, there's also been talks about (I think Disney) doing a live-action "The Gargoyles" movie.
2268825 Macuahuitl : Oh, it's going to be a series.
2268826 Macuahuitl : www.youtube.com/watch
2268827 Macuahuitl : Disney owns "The Gargoyles" franchise, BTW.
2268828 Jdawg78 : youtu.be/I266OysPnmk The other episode I love.
2268829 Macuahuitl : ‹@Jdawg78› lol, kind of creepy.
2268830 Jdawg78 : The episode gets creepier, then she starts talking at the exact same time as everyone...
2268831 Jdawg78 : Which is impossible...
2268832 Macuahuitl : Not related to the Disney-owned cartoon but "Gargoyles is an American made-for-television fantasy horror film, directed by Bill L. Norton, and originally broadcast Tuesday, November 21, 1972, for CBS' The New CBS Tuesday Night Movies.
2268833 Macuahuitl : It was the first film to feature the make-up work of special effects artist Stan Winston, for which he shared the 1973 Emmy Award for Outstanding Achievement in Makeup.[1]"
2268834 Macuahuitl : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gar...
2268835 Jdawg78 : He starts rattling off names and numbers she couldn't knwo...and she keeps in time...eventually, she ends up saying it before him.
2268837 Jdawg78 : youtu.be/I266OysPnmk
2268838 Jdawg78 : This bit here.
2268839 Macuahuitl : Produced by BBC.
2268840 Jdawg78 : Eventually, they think the doctor is possessd and try to throw him off the ship.
2268842 Jdawg78 : Hola CRL0!